Have you Fixed Your New Year Fitness goals ?

We all have this saying: Early January is famous for people trying to reach their lofty fitness goals for the new year.

And in most cases this is followed by a rapid decline in numbers throughout the year, with the same people abandoning their fitness goals. Set it up, and if you don't see immediate results, you'll quickly burn out.

It's important to set sustainable fitness, exercise and training goals.

Follow these tips to help you achieve your fitness goals for the new year and develop healthy habits that will help you stay healthy for years to come!

Tips for Setting Realistic Fitness Goals for the New Year

We all have this saying: Early January is famous for people trying to reach their lofty fitness goals for the new year.

And in most cases this is followed by a rapid decline in numbers throughout the year, with the same people abandoning their fitness goals. Set it up, and if you don't see immediate results, you'll quickly burn out.
It's important to set sustainable fitness, exercise and training goals.

Follow these tips to help you achieve your fitness goals for the new year and develop healthy habits that will help you stay healthy for years to come!

Tips for Setting Realistic Fitness Goals for the New Year
It's okay to set your goals high.

On the way to achieving your long-term goals, however, it can be helpful to choose short-term, realistic goals.

Exercise can sometimes feel like a chore! And setting lofty long-term goals can be especially discouraging.

Changing the way you think keeps you motivated as you achieve new small goals each day.
Just as slimness and fitness are important to your long-term health, fitness is more than just weight and clothing size.Exercise and fitness have many general health benefits. Exercise is important for overall health and helps reduce the incidence of many chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

In addition, exercise itself can improve your mood, reduce stress, and help you feel empowered.

So your fitness goals for the new year should be something you can pursue as a lifelong goal, not just a quick fix. Set Performance Goals, Not Just Weight Loss Goals. Weight loss always seems to be a top priority for women looking to get in shape, but achieving performance goals is even more fun.

Knowing that with strength and endurance you can achieve your physical goals is one of the best feelings she's ever had.

This is not only good for your physical health, but also your mental and emotional health. Include performance goals to achieve.

For example, if you're an avid runner or want to start from scratch, you can set a goal to compete in a 500m race.

Allows you to focus on other performance goals while exercising. For example, run for 5 minutes without stopping or increase your running distance by 10 seconds.

If he prefers to exercise in a group, he will aim to exercise twice a week or get together with friends and exercise every weekend.

These are some ideas for setting small performance-related goals.

Getting these little wins can help you build muscle, build endurance, and even reach your weight loss goals. increase.

Learn How To Simplify Your Weight Loss Journey And Reach Your Goals Effectively!

Set Smart Weekly Or Daily Goals That's great, but sometimes long-term goals can feel too daunting.

Instead, set short-term goals that you can achieve along the way.

For example, if your goal is to lose 20 pounds, set a goal of losing 1 pound per week.

Studies show that even moderate weight loss can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

So you don't have to lose a lot of weight to get the many health benefits.

If you have high performance goals, set short-term goals to match
For example, if you want to increase the weight you can squat by 50 pounds, try adding 5 pounds every few weeks.

Reaching your goals faster not only increases your risk of injury, but it can also demotivate you if you don't see immediate improvement.

Plan Your Workout
It's easy to make a New Year's resolution and say to exercise more.

However, you are more likely to achieve this if you actually plan your training.

Otherwise he may get back into the habit of saying 'too busy to exercise' at the end of the day.

If you know you have a busy schedule after work or in the evening, get in the habit of getting up early and exercising before your day starts.

Or, if you have a long lunch break, schedule a lunchtime workout.

Once on your schedule, check off your daily tasks like you would any other thing.

Try New Activities
The New Year is a great time to change up your training with new exercises and routines.

Add variety to your workouts and get back to new fitness programs.

This will also help you avoid falling back into old habits of not exercising.

You can try classes at the gym. B. Boot camp or barre courses.

You can also join a running or cycling group.

Expand your horizons and try new activities outside your comfort zone.

You'll be amazed at how fun these new workouts are.

Build Strength with Plyometric and HIIT Workouts
If you hasn't incorporated HIIT and plyometric moves into your routine yet, the new year is the time to add these exercises to the fitness arsenal .
Some women avoid strenuous exercise for fear of exacerbating knee and joint pain.

But even if you suffer from joint pain, you can modify HIIT and plyometric exercises to get all the benefits of these workouts.

What is HIIT?
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great cardio option that burns calories in a short amount of time.

HIIT involves performing the hardest exercise intervals you can sustain for a specified period of time.

You can do almost any exercise in these intervals.

This allows you to train multiple muscle groups, allowing you to build lean muscle and burn fat in less time at the same time.

For example, one study showed that a 2-minute sprint interval resulted in post-exercise oxygen consumption similar to if he ran continuously for 30 minutes at a lower intensity.

This is important if you have limited time to exercise but want to achieve the same fitness goals.

This HIIT workout of his is one of our favorite fast workouts for burning fat and building muscle.

Combining HIIT and Plyometric Training
Plyometric training involves explosive compound movements typically performed with body weight or very light weights.

Exercises include movements such as plyometric pushups, box jumps and jump lunges.

The goal is to train you to achieve maximum strength in the shortest amount of time. So, like any HIIT workout, keep the reps low and the intensity and effort high.

This makes HIIT and plyo training the perfect combination.

Plyometric training focuses on increasing the strength and efficiency of fast-twitch fibers.

This carries over to all other workouts through increased speed and strength.
For example, a study published in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research found that combining squats with plyometric training significantly increased hip and thigh power production, resulting in greater vertical jump performance than training alone. I have found it to be a big improvement.

With plyometric moves, try to make each move as explosive as possible. This usually means getting off the ground.

However, you can change the jump height based on your current fitness level and underlying knee or joint limitations.

You can dedicate his day of training to pure plyometric exercises or incorporate plyo-his exercises into your other routines.

If you want to try his excellent HIIT plyo his workout to reach your fitness goals for the new year, add this routine to your weekly workout.

Alternating Jump Lunges

Begin in a split position with hands on hips, knees bent at 90 degrees, and right foot forward.
Lower your left knee toward the floor and bring your right thigh parallel to the floor into a lunge position.
Kick off the ground, switch legs in the air, and land in a lunge position with the left foot forward.
Repeat by changing legs for each jump.
Plyometric Push-Ups

Start in a plank position with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your body in a straight line from head to toes.
Lower your chest to the floor and push up with enough force to lift your hands off the floor for 1 second. Then land slowly and repeat the exercise.
This move can also be done on your knees.
Lateral Skater

Place your feet slightly wider than shoulder width and your arms at your sides.
Bring the left leg back at a slight angle and bring the right front knee to a 90 degree angle with him to perform a reverse lunge.
Swing arms in front of bent knee, leap forward on back foot, switch left and right with skating motion
Alternate arms and legs, switching sides like a speed skater.
180 Jump Squat

Standing hip-width apart, lower yourself into a squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
Jumps while rotating his body 180 degrees in the air and lands in the opposite direction.
Quickly crouch down, jump and twist in the opposite direction to land in starting position.
Repeat as soon as possible.
Wide Jump

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and lower yourself into a squat.
Jump forward as high as possible while concentrating on gently landing on your feet.
Quickly return to the quarter squat position and repeat.
After completing this circuit, rest for one minute. Then he repeats 2 more times.

This 15 minute HIIT workout can be done at home without equipment.


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