Yoga asans Effective in Hair Problems
Yoga is rich in holistic health benefits. A way of life, this ancient fitness not only protects your inner and mental health, but is also known to heal skin and hair problems. If you're tired of your short bob and want your hair to grow longer, there are some yoga asanas that can actually help with hair growth. Here are some yoga asanas that not only promote hair growth but also help reduce hair loss and improve health.
- Kapalabhati
- Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Sarvangasana
- Balasana
- Sirsasana
- Vajrasana
- Uttanasana
- Matsyasana
1. Kapalabhati
This breathing exercise removes toxins from Kapar, an area of the head or entire face, increases oxygenation, reduces free radicals and allows for hair growth. help alleviate.
Sit with your legs crossed, keeping your back, neck and head straight. Place your hands on your knees, palms up, and relax all muscles. Take a deep breath, then exhale all the air and contract your abs. Do this for a few minutes.
Pro Tip
: It is recommended to practice kapalabhati early in the morning on an empty stomach.
2. Adho Mukha Svanasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana (better known as Downward Facing Pose) is one of the 12 poses that Surya practices in his Namaskar. It is a transitional resting position that increases blood flow. This allows more oxygen to reach the scalp and promotes hair growth. This asana has many other physical benefits as well. For example, it helps calm the mind, rejuvenate and energize the body.
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and grab the floor with both hands. Take a few steps back and stretch your arms and legs. Lie on your stomach with your ears on your arm
Hold the pose for 30-45 seconds. This is one of the best yoga asanas to prevent hair loss and increase blood circulation in the scalp.
Avoid this asana if you have any of the following:
Carpal tunnel syndrome, high blood pressure, retinal detachment, shoulder dislocation, weakened eye capillaries, diarrhea.
3. Sarvangasana
Sarvangasana, or shoulderstand, is a full-body exercise that works different muscle groups. Helps improve balance and posture. Apart from that, this asana improves blood flow to the head. Daily practice of the pose has lasting effects on the head and is especially beneficial for dry, fine hair.
: Lie on your back against a wall with your legs at a 90-degree angle to her. Then lift your buttocks off the floor and use your hands to prop them up and balance your entire body on your shoulders.
Pro Tip:
If you have a herniated disc, heart disease, or high blood pressure, consult your doctor before doing this pose.
4. Balasana
Before you get the idea, balasana literally means child's pose and does not refer to hair. However, it does fight stress and digestive issues, the two biggest factors that cause hair loss. Balasana is commonly recommended to relieve stomach problems and is known to help with anxiety Practicing this pose daily has positive effects on digestion and mental health and can significantly reduce the risk of hair loss.
Sit on mat with knees bent and feet at hips.
Inhale, reach your hands up, and as you exhale, bend your core until your forehead and palms are on the floor. If you can get your elbows on the ground, that's a bonus. Concentrate on your breathing and from 30 seconds she holds the pose for 1 minute.
Avoid this asana if you have problems with diarrhea, knee injuries, severe neck or back pain, high blood pressure, dizziness, or herniated discs.
5. Sirsasana
Sirsasana Yoga Asana for Hair Growth
Sirsasana, also known as headstand, improves blood flow to the scalp and reduces hair loss, thinning hair and baldness. This asana helps new hair growth and prevents hair graying. Promotes hair growth by helping dormant hair follicles reach their maximum growth potential.
: Kneel and place fingers crossed behind head. Bend down and touch the floor with your forehead. Support the top of your head with your interlaced hands and slowly raise your legs to stand upside down perpendicular to the floor. Keep your feet together and your arms straight. Once your body stabilizes in this pose, hold your balance for a few seconds.
Pro Tip:
Perfecting this pose takes a lot of practice. If you're a beginner, try getting help from another person or leaning against a wall.
6. Vajrasana
Vajrasana, or Thunder Pose, is simple yet very powerful. It squarely addresses stomach-related issues that you may or may not think play a big role when it comes to hair loss. may be connected. Vajrasana can help alleviate and heal many of these problems and can also help improve the digestion of food. This helps with hair growth as the nutrients are better absorbed by the body when digestion is at its peak. Of course, a healthy diet is essential for long, thick and healthy hair.
Hold your hands on your thighs in a relaxed position, palms down, keeping your head and eyes straight. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds while taking deep breaths. Relax and stretch when finished.
Pro Tip: Try sitting in Vajrasana every day to tone your stomach.
7. Uttanasana
Uttanasana Yoga Asana for Hair Growth
Uttanasana AKA Camel Pose is an effective yoga asana that takes some time to master. This yoga pose stretches and relaxes your muscles, increasing oxygen levels and blood flow to your head. This makes the follicles stronger and the hair longer.
Not only does it improve the quality and texture of your hair, it also makes it flawless and shiny.
: Stand up straight with your feet together. Raise your arms and take a deep breath. Without exhaling, straighten your arms and lean forward. Touch the mat when it feels comfortable. Move and hug your knees and keep your head down all the way. Hold this pose for 15-30 seconds. Mastering this yoga asana may require some practice. Remember to exhale when you stand up.
: Avoid practicing this asana if you have back, knee, or ankle injuries.
8. Matsyasana
Matsyasana Yoga Asanas for Hair Growth
Commonly known as fish pose, this pose is one of the most effective and popular asanas for creating strong, long and healthy hair. It is fairly easy to practice and like the other poses above, it can be done quickly at home and requires no equipment.This yoga asana can alleviate most hair problems with daily practice..
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