Types of Dance

Types of Dance HIP HOP Dance Hip Hop Dance is a style of movement characterized via bounces and rocks, carried out to Hip Hop music. It has deep historical and social roots in African American culture, having emerged in Black communities residing in Nineteen Seventies New York. While often referred to as a singular dance style, Hip Hop dance is part of a whole culture of Hip Hop, that includes Deejaying, Graffiti, Emceeing, and Breaking. Deejaying Also regarded as turntabling, this is an art shape in which a song is made in real-time with the usage of file players and DJ mixers. DJs in the Hip Hop community are accountable for creating/curating the tune that gets people on the dance floor at parties. Emceeing MC stands for “Master of Ceremonies” and they’re essentially the hype-man of the DJ! The MC gets the crowd going and will every so often freestyle rap over the music. Graffiti This is the art of expressing oneself about everyday life and the usage of spray pain...