Why dance is important in celebration?


Why dance is important in celebration?

The world is full of celebration, we find ways to celebrate anything, whether we are happy or commence new things.

Everybody loves to celebrate their special moments, and Dance is the way to express your feelings. It is the best way to express, how special that moment is for you. Dance makes that moment more special and enjoyable. Dancing can be a way to prioritize

your culture of dancing in every celebration.

People dance anywhere, whether it is the nightclubs and studios, at weddings, or even on the streets. They dance at home and, sometimes, at the workplace. It ain't matter sometimes, where you are dancing, sometimes it is all about why you are dancing, how enjoyable that moment is for you, that matters.

Importance of Dance in celebration?

 Dancing is a way for our prehistoric ancestors to bond and communicate. Dance is a link between people, connecting heaven and earth. We carry the world in our bodies. I think that ultimately each dance is part of a larger whole, a dance that has no beginning and no end. 

Dancing has been in our rituals for many years the celebrations 

mean food & dancing. when you dance you just blow out all negativity and just enjoy that moment, which gets you on cloud nine. when there are celebrations and your close ones are there with you so just dance with them enjoy that precious moment, so when you look back today, you feel that I really lived that moment. 

Dancing Helps us in many ways.

When you are dancing, you are not enjoying that moment, but you are working on your health as well. It is recommended by doctors that to be more agile and elegant, we should dance.

Dance helps to get rid of anxiety and it is the best way to prevent obesity. It is even said when you are despondent, just go and dance for some time, it helps to get your spirit back.

We live in a world, where people are exasperated with their daily life, Some are with their 9 to 5 jobs and some have their own created problems and they are seeking peace, they just want how can we get rid of it, so they can enjoy their life.

Dancing is the best therapy when you are exasperated, it helps to forget your problems and helps to get a positive mindset to deal with them.

Dancing helps bodies and minds relax as the music and surroundings take people away from their anxiety and frustration for a while.

Mentally, they unwind and have fun, sharing a laugh or two. As their minds relax, their bodies follow. Their muscles loosen up and tension and stress are far away from them.

Dance in Festivals.

There are 195 countries and each country celebrates different festivals, but there is something common among 195 countries, That is dancing, whether you are from USA or India, your festivals can be different but the way of celebration is common.

We celebrate festivals to remember people associated with them. At festivals, friends, family, and relatives gather and celebrate with joy and happiness.

Festivals are meant to be celebrated and promote arts and events which are peculiar to a particular culture or society. Festivals might also be a celebration or a commemoration that still depicts the cultural heritage of the concerned group.

As In world, it has been said there are different dance forms, Hip-Hop, Classical, jazz, Bollywood, and more but you have not required any form when you are celebrating your festival, you are dancing that is enough, how you are dancing and what people are reckoning about you, it ain't matter at all. How to relish, that moment is prominent.

Dance compliments people with different ways, emotions, happiness, or sorrow ness because there is so much variety. As a result, dancing is not only a universal art form but a universal language as well.


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