“Yours off too?” shouted Mr Verma from his balcony to which Mr Gupta replied with a sigh “yes!”. The Mehras were strolling on their sprawling terrace as I kept staring blank into space with a frown on my forehead. The power failure made me see the actual faces of my neighbours for the first time. The power failure made me lift my head to admire the beauty of the evening sky instead of the usual bow onto my phone screen, causing neck pain. The power failure reminded me how beautiful a bird’s chirping is.
When was the last time you connected with nature or cared about it? Our rapid lifestyles characterised by technology, monetary success and materialistic greed has made us forgetful of our planet and its preservation. World Earth Day celebrated every year on 22nd April is a reminder to work towards sustainable development aimed at preserving the only planet we have supporting life. Human race has come a long way and shall continue to prosper and advance and rightly so, but all of this needs to be done in a sustainable fashion. Some of the ways of doing so are-
Environmental education- Educating people, specially the young minds about environment preservation at rudimentary level can make a huge difference as they are the ones who will take over the world in times to come. Sensitising people and making them considerate of the environment plays the most significant role.
Environmental justice (laws & policies)- In order to Restore Our Earth, climate change solutions must center and benefit those most disproportionately impacted by environmental degradation and climate change. Governments should make policies aimed at reducing carbon footprint.
Art- Art organizations and artists everywhere can engage the public with the critical issues of the environment. Art has the power to reach people personally, establishing a deeper understanding and emotional connection with what is happening to our planet.
Individual efforts- “Whether it's a lot or a little, every piece of litter picked up makes a difference”.
Cleaning up your surroundings, cleaning up public spaces, plant a sapling, switching to public transport are merely a handful of a number of changes that every individual can make in their day to day lives. 3rs of Recycle, Reuse & Refuse always come handy.
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