Delhi pollution do we citizen really want any solution


Our city Delhi, the capital of India, is famous for many things. It is known in the World for it's diverse heritage. Are we really free and healthy to move around in Delhi and enjoy all this. No, Not really. You know why?

Because along with all of this, Delhi is one of the most polluted city of India. It's pollution is reaching heights and the air is getting all worse day after day. The air Quality index of Delhi has been recorded the lowest.

This is a high alarming situation. But, are we really aware about it? Are we still doing anything to reduce the pollution? Do we really want a solution to it? 

We cannot say a complete yes. We don't see anybody coming up to clean the roads or anyone even trying to keep them clean. Nobody care about it. 

What about the pollution that we all contribute in every day, every hour. Do anyone care about it? Are we even aware about it?

In a metro city like Delhi, where we live in crores of population, 

every single person needs to be responsible for the city's health. Instead of getting out with our own vehicles, we must use Public vehicles. This can cut the pollution by half as it will prevent the pollution caused by the smoke coming  out of the vehicles. This emission by motor vehicles is one of the major reasons behind so much of pollution in Delhi.

Are vehicles the only pollution causing agent? 

No. We are the root cause of the problem. We are least aware of this issue, and also the most careless about environment we live in. We tend to react when the situation goes above the alarming level. We then only think of any solutions. Instead of this, we must implement changes in our daily routine. For example, let's take this challenge of not burning crackers this Diwali. Let's have a lighting calm Diwali, without pollution. 

Most of the citizens of Delhi are suffering with one or another heart related issues. The main reason behind this is Delhi's worse environment conditions, it's poor air Quality, and pollution all around. Even the younger children are sometimes found to be the patients of Asthama. But, after all this, are we, the Citizens of Delhi are still aware of it? Are we still trying to put efforts for this bad environment?

We need to think about it.


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