Festivals in Corona

It is the festival season of the year. Although, in India, our culture gives us enough of the times to celebrate, we have plenty of festivals to celebrate throughout the year. But, this time of the year is specifically laned up in festivals starting from Durga Pooja to Diwali, Bhai dooj. So, it can be collectively known to be the festive season in India. But, are we in the same level of excitement for the upcoming festive season? No, we are not that excited. Festivals were more joyous as we used to meet our friends and relatives and celebrate the festival together. But, in this corona time, festivals are limited to the family only. This corona has destroyed these long followed traditions of the festivals. Festivals this year have been overshadowed by the fear of this virus. At Durga pooja, where we used to build up some pandals and decorate them for Maa Durga, but this time the Pandals were banned to avoid huge social gatherings. We could not enjoy the most glori...