Teachers are loosing their importance in current society ?
Teachers are the most important part of our life. After our parents, teachers are our best friends, and our well wishers. Teachers play a very vital role in giving shape to our future from beginning to the end.
They not only teach us the subjects, or not only help us with our education but also teach us the way of living. They shape our personality. Children takes what they are taught at a young age throughout the rest of their lives.
Teachers are the most vital section of the society. They are given the place after "God". But, these days the education is getting digitized, students are now considering internet as their teachers, as internet can always be there for them. Internet can provide students all the information they need. Nowadays, as technology is available everywhere and is easily accessible everywhere, students are considering internet more important than their own teachers as it is more convinient for them, it can be accessible at any time of the day.
Inspite of internet being available all the time, it cannot replace the place of Teachers anyway. Yes, Internet can always act as an additional point in their studies, It can surely help the studentsin studies, gaining knowledge and lots of information about everything, but, it cannot help the students in learning the moral values, moral lessons about life, and shape their personalities in a good way. It can never substitute the classroom learnings that one can gain sitting in a classroom with their teachers.
In current scenario, seeing this Corona pandemic, the traditional classroom classes could not take place, therefore, internet is the present need of the hour. Education through internet has become the important tradition these days. But even in this difficult time, techers are managing to provide online classes to their students and giving full support to them. Inspite of all the information available on internet, students still need their online classes from teacher, because internet can never teach them the way a teacher can.
A teacher has always been, is, and will forever be the most vital person in a student's life. A teacher is always there for their students.
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