Rajvir Saini - a storyteller with a camera


Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got into photography?

As I have always been fond of art and creative things, I started my career as a fashion photographer back in 2011 after getting trained from one of the prestigious institute in Delhi. Soon after my college, I started falling for the photography.

What are the fundamental changes that you think have happened in fashion photography in India, say in the last five years?

Well, i would say a lot has changed in the past few years especially perception of people about choosing photography as a career. People who used to make fun and never thought about pursuing photography now they have changed their mind and photographer are getting fame and money like in other prominent fields.

How important are colors to portray the real sense of an image?

Colors to an image is like adding taste to the food. We can fill ourselves with food but can't be satisfied without the taste. 

What advice would you give to the people who want to be successful as a Photographer?

As they say, Practice makes the man perfect , if you want anything in your life all you have to do is to be ready for a lot of hard work and practice , Just don't give up.

You have recently worked on a documentary for the foundation 'YouWeCan, share your experience?

Working with 'youwecan' was such an honour as working for an organisation whose intentions is to help people who are suffering from cancer and can't afford to get it treated.

What does the future hold?

Future always hold surprises. One must work hard to create the future for themselves.


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