5K Friends... Do They Worth It?

Friends undoubtedly hold a very important place in our life. They are always there for us to help us, to guide us to the path of right and Wrong, to support us. But, all of it depends on the people you choose as friends. If they are true to you, they will always be there as a boon to you, but if they are fake, they will become a cure to you.

In this world of Digitisation, Internet is being followed as a mainstream culture now. You always have it in your pockets, it's always with you, everywhere, everytime. And ofcourse, with internet being followed as a culture now, we have also built our digital world. In this digital world we are living connected to the number of people digitally. They are always there with us, even in our pockets. We can always talk to them whenever we want over the internet on several social media platforms.

Even with this social media, we started showing or expressing ourselves a lot more than before. We now more often show our love and affection on social media to our digital friends. All this completely satisfy the definition of a friend, "the one who is always there for us". But, if we think about it in detail, are they?

Are these people or our Digital friends truly there for us? The answer is "No". Showing love on facebook is way different than being there with a person in need. Our digital friends or the 5k friends that we have on facebook and other social media are only limitied to our Virtual world, not the real world that  we live in.


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