A Photographic Story - Manoj Aryan (Celerbrity photographer)

One-on-One 1. Early influences that shaped your sensibilities? Well, I used to be a medical science student who left the dentistry to follow his passion for Art. Since childhood, I was inclined towards painting & sketching and used to participate in various competitions and by the god's grace, eventually won many medals as well. This passion of mine led me to choose photography as a career which itself is a form of art. One thing I would like to share here is that I never took any formal classes or assisted any photographer prior to starting my photography career. 2. Is there any project you consider your big break? It happened to be a long-time back ( around ten years ago). I still remember my first fashion shoot for designer Tanieya Khanuja which I shot using the Air cooler grass stacks and some wild vegetation ( in India we call them "Sarkande" if I am not wrong ). The shoot started around 9 PM in the night and continued till morning. That shoot gave me a lo...