Know The Positive Sides Of Kids Online Classes

Due to this Widespread pandemic “Covid-19”, our life has faced many consequential changes. In some way or other, each one of us has been affected with these consequences of this deadly virus. We can say that our lives have been shrunk to a very small umbrella within these four months of Lockdown. It affected everything and everyone from, a Big business man to a Small Vegetable vendor; from a Stable job holder to the unemployed one; from a University student to a Student in Nursery grade.

This has affected the studies at a very big pace. Students had faced many issues regarding their studies, there was a lapse of around 3 months in the regular studying pattern of the students which made them detach from the studies for a longer time. The children and their studies suffered a lot due to this virus. Thanks to the advancement in technologies, because of which our country managed to cover this major loss.

Students were provided with online classes during the lockdown, so that, they can continue their studies in a regular manner with the online mode. Most of the schools are providing online classes to their enrolled students. The teachers gave classes with the help of group video conferencing applications like Skype, Zoom, Google Meet, etc. Some of the teachers also provided pre-recorded lectures to the students on different topics to make them study at a convenient time.

Online classes came as a Boon to students as this helped them in maintaining social distancing and also maintaining regular contact with their studies. They managed to study at home, without being exposed to this deadly virus. The teachers are also ready to solve the student’s queries at a convenient time.

“Online Classes” have also helped the students to give time to their own hobbies other than studies as they had enough time for themselves after the classes. They could easily pursue their own interests. For example, students who were interested in art got the time to enhance their creativity and explore new directions in their own hobbies. This was possible because online classes cut off the extra time from the school.

This also made the children more familiar to the ever-exploring world of Technology. They learned new ways of interacting with each other over the internet. They explored many benefits of the internet which could help them in their studies. One more important benefit of the online classes is, it developed an excellent habit of “Self-study” in the students, because of the gap that they had in between their classes.
Also, it built up some important family values in the children. They realised the value of family time, family. Which resulted in less stress, positivity, and more happiness in them.


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