Parenting In Lockdown

This lockdown has proved a challenging time for all of us. But the most affected are those who have children out there to take care of and to handle their behavior. Instead of running behind them controlling their behavior, we need to be calm and patient. Because this is not easy for them also. So try to engage them in some good activity and enjoy this time as much as you can. Teach them to learn something from this time period. There are few parenting tips that can be helpful for parents under this lockdown time.

1. Make them responsible

Rather than setting up an everyday practice, instruct them to be trained. Beginning with little things like cleaning up their bed in the first part of the day to laying the feasting table for dinners, balancing clothing to dry, vacuuming bits of the house, watering plants, and so forth. Everything that causes them to feel as much liable for running the family unit as you during this time with no house helps around.

2. Bond over a hobby or fun stuff

It could be anything, from baking together to cooking, painting, reading, dancing, singing, exercising, doing a science experiment. It will also give you a chance to unwind and relish these precious moments which otherwise are rare.

3. Chill time hangout

Make a unique time for simply chilling as a family. It could be over an indoor game, a film, or only a cuddle in the bed laughing over senseless jokes. Does something amazing for youthful personalities, comforts their instabilities, and divert their mind in any case of the horrid condition. Give them a more tightly embrace, appreciate each and every small effort, read them that additional story. How about we do not constrain them to act more developed than their age in view of the conditions. Let them be free of their own kind. This is their age. We can not expect them to be as sensible as you.

4. Get to know each other well

Talk to your kids about how you spent your summer vacations. Nani house visits or helping mum with pickle making, learning a new craft, eating your favorite meal, napping for longer hours. Well, there is so much we can talk about. Technology had not invaded our lives back then, we were much more involved in everyday chores. We learned a lot by observing our mums and grand mums. Now it's our turn to role-playing for our kids.

5. Sense of gratitude.

It's the best time to instill in them a sense of gratitude for all that they have and more. To not take anything for granted; To appreciate the small things, moments and always be thankful for them. This practice will definitely make them compassionate individuals. Get them to maintain a journal and write 5 things every night that they are grateful for. Better still do it together!

Teach them neither to look up to someone nor look down on someone. Teach them every humankind is equal and we should be more kind and helpful towards everyone who is in need.

While we do these and more, let's not forget the most important thing, to celebrate our time together as a family and have lots of fun doing everything and more that has landed on our plates. Because if we get upset or frustrated, they will too, and then none of the above will work.

So with this end note, We wish you all a Happy International Family Day. Love your family, take care of each other.


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