Reality shows are harmful for your mental health.
Life throws weird curveballs and things happen that you’d never expect! You never know when and what time will show you. And you have to make the unexpected choices in your life. Well, till my college days I had NEVER watched Bigg Boss. I used to look down upon people who wasted one hour every day for three months every year to watch, what I considered, the worst reality show EVER! But things changed, I didn’t have any job. Sitting at home, had nothing to do. I started watching it for passing my time. At first, I used to see it just for time pass but slowly I got addicted to this show. I started waiting for the next episode. I didn't even leave watching it's extra dose episodes... I was so addicted.

Reality Shows, In General, Are Harmful!
First things first, let’s talk about reality shows in general. Previous research has shown that exposure of as little as 40 minutes to a reality show with relational aggression can make you even more aggressive. While I’m sure it is not the only reason in making our generation more aggressive, it just might be one of them; considering how we view and believe to an extent that their behavior, fights, and reactions are seemingly ‘real’.
Who Are These People We See In The Show?

Now, about the people in the house: More often than not, people in the house are mere nobodies of the ‘glamour’ world. They are here just to gain some publicity anyhow. They are people who have tried and failed or the ones who now need an image makeover or the ones that can create the drama that we’d love to watch. But for the past two seasons, commoners (people not from the media industry, per se), have appeared as well - the ones who are using the show for their five minutes of fame,
Seeing other people being tortured is not entertaining
Physical and sexual sadism is now out of books. We now crave mental sadism - seeing people cause other people pain and drawing pleasure from that entertain us.. Shilpa Shinde made Vikas Gupta cry by torturing him and we as viewers enjoyed watching Vikas’ plight. Shilpa-Vikas are only one example but the show is in its 11th season, so you can imagine the number of examples.
This time also everything is going to be the same only the faces are new. I surely don't want to ruin my one-hour spending on this kind of useless show. Instead of entertaining, the show is making us sick and affecting our psyche.
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Very Informative article, Amazing article. I am so impressed