Life animated



Harvinder Mankkar is a writer, cartoonist, animator and director, His comic characters Motu-Patlu, published in Lot-Pot magazine are now one of the most celebrated characters for Indian Kids’ entertainment. Its 3D animated television series adaptation is airing on Nickelodeon. He is the founder of The Art Studio, Chief Cartoonist of weekly LOT-POT, M.D. at World Wide Multimedia and Director of Mayapuri Film Weekly.

He has won number of awards including Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards 2016 for the character Motu Patlu presented by Mr. Shahrukh khan. He has also won the Iron Man Awards 2017 presented by Brown and Harper U.K and many more ...

As a cartoonist his work has appeared in Comic Series for Lot-pot (e.g. Motoo Patloo for last 31 years), Raj Comics, Manoj Comics, Champak and Educational Books for Vidya Mandir Parkashan, JPH Publications, Apex India, Logman (Singapore), Dream Land Publication and 50 Other Publications.

With more than 20000 cartoon strips published and still counting ...
Mr. Mankkars Marathon will go on and on ..

Sensationz Media and Arts Pvt. Ltd.


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