Bombay high court ruled, elders should not be abused

”‘Elder Abuse’ an issue one often abstain from talking about or acknowledging that it exists. But, within the four walls and enclose of one’s home, a dark reality exists.

The Abuser? – Their own child. The most common assumption that in old age the Son would be the main caregiver is totally smashed. The Son along with the Daughter-in-law turned out to be the primary abusers..”.

Bombay high court decision is a light in the dark for the elderly people

Recently, the Bombay High Court ruled that elderly parents can take back a share in their property given to a son as a gift if he doesn't care for them or harasses them under Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007.
This is a good step to stop elder abuse and giving elders a respectful environment in their own homes.

The question is is it really gonna change the situation????

The court has passed its order. But the question is that is it really going to work for the betterment of elderly people... I guess can't change the situation overall. We need to understand one thing if the people don't bring a change within their self nothing is going to be changed. No rules and laws can improve the situation. People are still going to abuse them and will disrespect them. They need to be loved purely not compulsively because of some laws. Kids need to be taught to respect elders in their schools. So that from an early age they will learn to respect them and this feeling of respect will build in their mind and heart. And we would not require any law and rule.

Survey about elder abuse in our country

a survey was done by HelpAge India, a community that serves older people according to that survey 73% of Indian youth admit that elder abuse exists. you will be shocked to know half of India's elderly (50%) surveyed reported experiencing abuse. 77% lived with their families.

You will be in the same position in the near future...remember that!!!

we need to aware people against elder abuse ..and kids need to teach about elder people respect in schools also. else this data will be increased year after year. Why we are not giving them the place they deserve...why we are being so selfish? We need to open up our eyes and see through the situation they are living in. At the age when they are not as strong as you are, they need extra care. How can we forget that our existence is because of them? They sacrificed their desires, their dreams to make us a successful person.

So many of our elderly population are forgotten about or day we will be where they are. Is this how we will want to be treated??

Sensationz Media and Arts Pvt. Ltd.


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