How nervous system affects dance ? By varun sir

Nervous System & Dance By Varun sir
Varun & Preeti
V. I think you are facing major problems in performing dance steps on your non-uniform motion side
of your body?
P. non-uniform motion? What’s that?
V.  Non-uniform motion side pertains to either side of our body that’s in contrast less in use?
P.  Oh... Yes! OK! Now I got it. I am not really comfortable doing things through my left body
V. Oh, so you are a right-hander? Right?
P. Yes. Yes.  I am pretty much a right-hander.

V. Then the left-hand side of your body is your non-uniform motion side and is not in rhythm with
your right-hand side?
P. hum... Yes! But, why so?
V. Because your left side of the body is not much in use as your right side is.  
P. Yes. I almost do everything with my right hand. I hardly use my left.
V. Yes, that’s the reason your left side is weak and right is relatively strong. Because, it’s quite
obvious if your muscles lay dormant, it’ll not comparatively build-up and gain strength.

and Do you know the outcome of this?

P. No! No! Not really... But I do wish to understand the same.
V. (Laughs) Listen Dear your muscles work on this funda, wherein, you either use it or you simply
lose it?
P. OK!!!!  That’s interesting! ha....! (expression.... convincingly)                   
V. yaa, it's interesting but more than that it is important as your these weak muscles cause difficulties
in maintaining balance and stability.
P. Really! No I never thought of it.

V. Well.... then you must be not aware of the fact that the more you put your muscles to use, the
better it will function. And, if your two body sides are in coordination and in balance with each other,
then.... you will throw light on your dance as well.
P. like what?
V. OK then let me tell you what it is all about?
In the very first place, we have to understand our nervous system.. You see the nervous system works
according to our brain. Our body operates in coordination with our mind. The right side of the brain operates
left body parts and vice versa. So, mentally and physically our whole operational system is well-

Moreover, every individual has his or her non-dominant side of the body, resulting in weak muscles,
which in turn lead to an imbalance of either or both sides of our body. Then imagine with these
weaknesses how can we dance healthily and improvise?
P. Ya i got it..
V. OK, Then let us see how favorable an all good nervous system can be for dance?
P. OK,

V. Firstly, The best way to practice the same is to do your basic day-to-day activities by bringing
your weak side into use.
For instance...  hold your glass of water or tea with your hand you are not used to.   
secondly, during your regular dance practice sessions, perform each and every dance
step on both sides of your body. But, make sure... you first start with your weak side (either right
or left) and then move on to your strong side.

P. hmm you are right. On my left, I find it difficult to execute.

V. So you need to practice every step first on left then go for right. OK?

P. OK,  It’s quite interesting. Shall I try it?

V. (Smiles) sure dear, just go for it..

P. starts. (she does the move)
she counts—5,6,7,8 (she does the step on 1234. V joins from 5) for 16 counts.
that’s really nice. It seems to work.

V. Yes, that is one of many ways to practice, thus your weak muscles will start working accordingly.
look, Once your sides of your body are well-balanced, equally strengthened and stretched.
Then you can imagine how better your body will task and enhance your dancing capabilities.   

P. Hmmm..
V. well, remember one thing, here in this video, i am not teaching you how to dance. Instead, teaching
you how to improve your body movements to dance.
P. yaaaa...., i got it.

V. So, You guys either follow the said rules & regulations to perfection and well-balanced yourself or
keep faltering.

P. (Smiles)... OK, where can one learn this?
P. OK! So guys, now, do make up your mind and move on...  
Sensationz Dance & Theater Academy awaits you to guide you with detailed teachings. Right?
V. Absolutely!
P. So, viewers don’t hesitate to join Sensationz Dance & Theater Academy, and for now, you enjoy the
sequence called “V4”
Thanks! Bye Bye
V. Thanks ! Bye.


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